Tuesday, November 01, 2005


my oh my, it's already november!!

anyway, somehow, i decided to go look for my old computer speakers cos as i was listening to my mp3, the bass was kinda weak no matter how high i pumped it up in the settings. so i found the whole set. yea WHOLE set! my mom took them off i thought she threw them away, thank God she did not.

i untangled everything and plugged it into my comp and watched advent again, WOW!~! the sound is like BOOM! surround!! woohoo! i set the speakers at different specific locations and the sound's good!!

one problem, i did not have space to put the subwuffer (haha.. not sure hot to spell it.) so i'm packing my room!!!

haha.. lots of junk. actually i dun have much time to type this, but i needed a break. ok, so like i juz wanna share something i saw in my handbook in secondary school hahaha... i dun remember writing it though. hahaha..

Dear mom,
Thing$ are really well here at $chool,
but they could be better.
I need $ome thing$ mo$t de$prately.
I $u$pect that you will gue$$ what I mean
and $end me $ome $oon.
Your Loving $on.
Dear son,
NOthing is new here,
i kNOw that you are doing better NOw
than u did in NOvember.
Write aNOther letter soon
I want to get this NOte in the NOon
so i'll sign off NOw
haha... ok, so i'm off to continue packing cos i've got to go to westmall at 5.30... so like need to rush ha.. babye!


Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

that was cute. (:
da thingy u found.
sure U wrote it?
its too cute.

4:43 PM


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