Monday, August 18, 2008


i believe the lord has plans for my life. =)

i've just spent the last few minutes in a heated discussion with my mom over what i plan to do in the future. initially, i have totally no idea and all the other ideas of going to indonesia or poly or working in prudential, kinda just made me feel a little uneasy.

but suddenly, just a few days ago, i felt my eyes open, and my heart comforted. i suddenly felt like "i know what to do!" yea, and i feel really comfortable with the idea. =)

after my diploma, i'll probably enter JCU, and at the same time apply for gideonites. of course i hope the gideonites entry would come through first but haha... some of you might know what my mom have gone through in timor and so, she strongly disagreed.

but i believe in God's promises soo strongly, i'm actually looking forward to ORD. I KNOW WHAT TO DO! (at least as of now hahaha)

one more thing is that, i just want to become the warrior that God wants me to be. the man i ought to be. it's about time to stop depending on others, being a sheperd boy, but it's time to be a warrior like david when he fought goliath or joshua, who led the nation of Israel into war against the many different tribes to win back the promised land.

before i even find someone to fight for and love, i really want to become a warrior for God. to learn how to actually fight for and love someone. i just find it so meaningful all of a sudden. pieces of things God spoke to me about just began to form all over again.

it's about time for God to use a mismatch for His glory. and i'm the willing vessel. though i am afraid of writing all these, but i just have to declare them over my life.

God, here i am. i am weak, but i know You can use me, so that people will see your glory. that You will be glorified through me, because You made me, who is unable, to be able.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


the more you know, the harder it becomes to live life.

so, be bold and courageous. live it the way that you are told to.